
How to talk about shamanism...


Shamanism can't be explained, it has to be experienced. We invite ourselves to it. Perhaps a return to our roots. To the wonder, the curious innocence of the heart, from which we are both born and guarantors.


A place we all know, but sometimes lose track of.

We work with souls, the subtle, the invisible and, above all, with the living, the ephemeral, the wild, the elusive, the superb, the authentic.

With plants, stones, the elements, the ether, eternity, dreams, the extemporality of invisible worlds.

With Love too.

A prerequisite for a miracle.


To the rhythm of the drums, to the opening of consciousness, to the frontiers of what has always been, and then quite simply as a return home, to feel at home in these worlds, sharing, listening responsibly to what is. From larger than oneself to the infinitely small. Technicians of ecstasy, masters of Chaos, without whom - ecstasy and Chaos - all this is mere surface noise, we dance healing to invite it to happen.


We can also associate the termEcospirituality (spirituality of Nature, place and connection) with that of shamanism.


But above all, it is undoubtedly an Animist thought, which allows the existence of a living World, to which to belong and care for, to which to give obvious and non-negotiable rights, to listen to and cherish. In the depths of our bones and the magic of our breaths, in every place and at every moment.




Shamanic travel initiations




I'm a shaman, I tell him
OK, he says, what do you want?
to get to the bottom of things, I reply

-Kenneth White-