Solstice, equinox, full moon, black moon, passage of seasons and ages
are just some of the possibilities for getting out into nature...
And listen.
Have you always dreamed of spending a night alone under the stars, but never dared? To hear trees, stones, streams, clouds or birds speak?
As the seasons and stages of life change, join a group or two, let yourself be guided to the place that's right for you, and stop, slow down, breathe, recharge your batteries and receive the gifts that have been left there for you.
Open to all, information on request:
Nature Medicine Walk
Over the course of a day, according to an intention, a question or a dream, set out alone to listen to nature. Let yourself be guided by the signs, then gather in a circle to share the answers you receive. Start a conversation with what's there. Jura. Valais.
Vision Night
Over 24 hours, set an intention and sit alone with the night, letting yourself "see" and "listen" to the answers. Go through the night, letting it speak its magic to the heart of your cells. Individual coaching on the power of intention and integration. Talking circle. Jura. Valais.
Young Vision
In the middle of nature, without food, company or shelter, plunge into the heart of yourself and of what is greater than yourself. Discover your personal medicine and restore your strength. Location to be confirmed.
Short one-week version:
Preparation-Intention-24hours solo in nature-Integration. Talking circle.
Year-long version :
2 weekends: Exploring the wheel of the 4 directions of human nature.
10 days: Physical and psychological preparation-Force of intention-Young solo 4 days and 4 nights-Integration and Talking Circle.
1 weekend: Integration and celebration.